Friday, June 04, 2010


Yippee!!! Some good news at last! Despite the fact that the island, including the Ft. Pickens area, is now crowded with media trucks, hundreds of visitors, volunteers already on the job picking up oil balls, and ATVs galore assessing the situation, the Kemp's ridley which attempted to nest this morning returned a couple of hours later...and NESTED!!!! Yessireee!!!

Unlike Loggerheads which come ashore at night to nest, Kemp's ridleys will both nest and hatch during the day. If I beg hard enough, perhaps I can get the bio-tech who monitored the situation to share a photo with me.

Wow. I needed this. I'm smiling!


Angela said...

excellent news!

Sharon said...

At least a little bit of good news in this mass of sadness...

Anonymous said...

Hi DJ, I am Happy for you and the turtle that made it ashore today to lay it's eggs. Hopefully the baby turtles will not be permitted to return to the Gulf

But I am truely sick to my gut to see the Pelicans covered in oil. This is all way beyond sad

Take note our government agencies in place to protect us from such catastrophes are asleep at the wheel.

My greatest fear is it will get worse and we are helpless to stop it.


jmac said...

just left an intro response in other happy about the turtles....a ray of hope in this time of destruction?? sure hope if she goes back to the water...she can find her way, safely...

jmac said...

As much as I hate to admit this now, we own an oil business...and my husband just told me that the vessel in your post from pre-memorial day is called a jack-up service boat. Meaning it's not floating in water but is supported by those posts.....prolly part of the work being done by the BP people in the clean up. NO....we are NOT BP....just lil bitty independents in north Loosiana.

Loui♥ said...

Thanks DJ..
I too needed a little good news today!
warm sandy hugs..

BaysideLife said...

Yea!!! I've been worried about the momma turtles making it into shore and then how well they will fare when they leave. But hurrah for this one bright light.

Barrier Island Girl said...

Thank you for all the responses. I was so happy to share the good news with you. Jmac, no matter what business you are in, I can tell that this situation is just as difficult for you and I am sorry if you are getting some backlash from the BP disaster due to the business you are in.

I'm learning just how tough these islanders are and we will do what we need to do to clean up after the mess and work toward making the environment/the Gulf good for our children again.

I will certainly have my down moments, but I will try to remain positive. My blog followers surely help me stay positive.

Anonymous said...

I really needed to see that.. Post pictures if you get some..