Kitt Lough and the Dave Shelander Quartet gave a great performance at Evenings in Olde Seville Square last night. I'm glad that they were added to the concert series this year.

This young man, Evan, was quiet and focused, so I stepped in for one of my candid shots. Suddenly he looked into the camera and gave me one of those high kilowatt smiles. I just love it when that happens. The photo of his adorable little brother Brendon blurred, so I owe him another next time!

Great smiles were all around me last night, but I think I'm losing my touch with candid shots.

It's especially nice to see young families pack up and come out to enjoy Evenings in Olde Seville Square.

Waiting for the concert to begin.

Ahhh, who knew they made portable loveseats like this. The question is, how do you get it folded and zipped back into the cover?

Wow, they went all out on this yummy spread. Wonder if they'd miss a few of those hors d'hoveures.
In my sweet baby's arms.Note to CT on the Bay: Thanks so much for taking time to come over and say hello last night! It was great to meet you in real life!