The Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce meeting was held aboard Portofino One this morning. As members arrived to sign in at the Lifestyle Center, we were treated to a delightful display of Halloween pumpkins designed by various departments, including housekeeping, landscaping, Portofino Adventures, tower and unit maintenance, etc. You may pick your favorite:

Hmmm...Pamela Lee Pumpkin, perhaps? Or Mae (Intra)West?

Ayyyyy, matey. It's Porto the Pirate by Tower Maintenance. Didn't I see him at the Paradise Grill last week?

Lovely Pumpkahontas is searching for her John Smith.
Love the door-stop nose! But the mouth is a bit reminiscent of Hannibal Lecter. Yikes!
"If I only had a heart!"
You're under a Rasta

Shiver me timbers, does that pirate have a pet Gour'vocado!

Why do I find Blue Man so disturbingly scary? Perhaps I was chased by a mop-topped snorkeler and a baby alligator in another life. Or is it the teeth?

Now you're talking! I love party beads, even on my pumpkins!
Happy Halloween, everyone!