It was opening day for the 2009 season at the Panhandle Butterfly House in Navarre. They will be open until Labor Day: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; Sunday noon to 4:00 p.m.
This year my mother was able to attend and see all the work they've completed on gardens. It looks great!

The plants and the butterflies are lovely. It's a good place to discover what type of plants you might enjoy having in your own yard, especially if you are interested in attracting butterflies or hummingbirds.

A beautiful Julia (Dryas Iulia).

We'll be seeing many Monarchs make their way along the coast as they migrate.

This Zebra longwing is stunning. It is the official Florida state butterfly. Unfortunately we don't see a lot of them in the area.
Another Julia.

I love the large variety of flowering plants at the Panhandle Butterfly House almost as much as the butterflies!
Click on the photo to see more detail on the Monarch above. She looks like she's wearing a tiny fur cape!

I didn't learn the name of this delicate-looking flower. [NOTE: I have the best blog followers. This flower was identified by both Scottie and Claire as the spider flower, Cleome.]

A hardy geranium.
Look at the way mother has her hand positioned. Do you think she's trying to coax another butterfly?
Inside, there is a huge collection of butterflies such as the one above. Some are huge!
Please take time to visit the Panhandle Butterfly House in Navarre this summer. Since the road from Pensacola Beach to Navarre Beach is now open, it is a beautiful and much shorter trip!
Hi DJ, The red flower at The Butterfly House looks like a
This weekend is The Dogwood Festival in Atlanta, although most of the dogwoods have finished blooming!!
Yup, its a cleome.
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