All these blue heron photos make it look like I'm on heron patrol instead of sea turtle patrol, but I can't resist snapping a shot or two of them.
I'm very excited that I'm going to have more patrol opportunities this month due to folks taking vacations. In fact, I'll not only be spending more days at Ft. Pickens, but I'll also be able to substitute in the Santa Rosa area of Gulf Islands National Seashore. The Santa Rosa area begins not far past Park East and extends east to the first houses on Navarre Beach. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll find my own nest. Until now, all I've found are false crawls. {{{sigh}}}
Obviously you'll hear about it if I find one!
You mean, "when I find one"!
Oooh, I LOVE your positive thinking! Let me restate:
WHEN I find one! :-)
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