Friday, April 23, 2010

Another Knock Out season!

Wow! I couldn't be happier with the Knock Out roses in my yard. Despite what can be a harsh environment when it comes to salt and wind exposure, they have consistently been top-performers! They have been insect and fungus resistant also, not to mention that I have rarely done any dead-heading.

If you are looking for a little pizazz and color for your yard out here on the island, something that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds, I vote for both the Weeping Bottlebrush tree and Knock Out roses.

1 comment:

robin said...

Hi, The roses (knockouts) are gorgeous! Our roses are too- Some of the prettiest I have ever seen- and we live right on the water- so they are growing in mostly sand. Knockout roses are some of the very best plants I have planted since moving o the water. Our Star Jasmine are doing wonderfully also- they love the overcast weather and are all blooming- smells like heaven!