I'm still learning the ABC's of landscaping in Florida. Imagine my surprise when this Sago palm which was planted last fall started sprouting a large cone.
I quickly headed to the Internet to research Sago palms, and talked over the fence with my neighbors, always a wealth of knowledge. I had not known cycads are "dioecious", which means there are males and females. I think my blog viewers can figure out which category this little fella fits into.
There must be some things a girl from Tennessee can't quite get out of her system. Gardening seems to be one them and I love my Pensacola Beach home with its yard of sugar-white sand and beautiful palms which seem to hold one surprise after another.
Sagos are not native to NW Florida and are poisonous to animals (will kill a dog) if they eat the seeds. I believe Sabal Palms are the only native palms to the area.
Anon: You are right that cycads are indeed dangerous/poisonous to animals.
Many other plants out here are also poisonous. One of the most dangerous is oleander, of which I have many. Then again, flowers such as buttercups, wisteria, iris, and lantana are on the same list.
Most animals seem to intuitively know what to stay away from. Nevertheless, my little pup doesn't go out in the yard alone since he's like a family member. I watch over him like I would a baby.
As for sago palms, virtually no chance of him going near them. The tips of a sago are very prickly if you've ever brushed up against one (which my dog did once in trying to "mark his territory"). He's a sweet little wuss anyway, but getting pricked in a very tender area really put the kibosh on getting near the sagos in the yard. ;-)
Thank you so much for the reminder!
Below is a link to other poisonous plants to animals.
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