Colin, a faithful blog visitor, is graduating from the Navy air traffic control school tomorrow and leaving Pensacola for Whidbey Island, Washington. I had to get a good shot of the beach this afternoon, just to remind him what he'll be missing!
I wish you the very best of luck, Colin, and thank you for all the nice comments you've left on my blog.
Here is a link to Colin's blog if you'd like to follow his journey:
What a beautiful sendoff!!
the farewell present even better!
colin should have so many wonderful sensory memories of pensacola..from the warm salty air.. to balmy/sweaty days..cool fall evenings and yes, those blustery chilling winds off the water..
but most of all, he'll never forget his times in pensacola..
and yes, he will return..
after all, he did get sand in his..
thank you so much for the great farewell - and the advertising ;) i'll always remember the great times i spent in pensacola and look forward to going back again. i'll keep coming back to your blog for beautiful reminders. thanks so much!
Just found your site and am so excited. I moved to Nashville after having lived in Pensacola for several years. I am so homesick for the beach, the weather, and just the feel of living on the gulf coast. There is nothing like it. I'll be visiting your site daily for my Pensacola fix. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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