My mother's next door neighbor, Gary, is a Crew Chief for the Arnold Air Force Base Fire Department which is located in Tullahoma, Tennessee. He was quite interested in this 'undercover' fire hydrant he saw on the beach during our walk this morning. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say it is camouflaged?

This section of the Gulf Islands National Seashore is still closed to regular traffic, but it's a beautiful place to walk or bike. Just don't start any fires!
It's good to see sand accumulation ... as opposed to coastal sand erosion. Dunes are force of nature!
Unfortunately many of our dunes were flatten once again by the winds and storm surge of Hurricane Ike, despite the fact that it passed far south of us.
Even so, I can see the island beginning to heal itself. Tidal pools cut by the surge are filling in and wherever there are sea oats, we're seeing accretion.
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