This photo was taken about an hour ago at Park East. I walked about 10 feet toward the Gulf of Mexico from the end of the walkover and took the photograph. Click on the photo to enlarge it and you will see something surprising.
If you look at the people around and under the umbrella in the lower right-hand corner of the photo, you will notice there is a huge drop off of approximately 4 - 5 feet where high winds/high surf have caused considerable erosion. If you click HERE to check out my photos during Memorial Day Weekend, you will be able to see how much beach we have lost -- all of it since the first of September during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.
I took some photos there today too, but from the lower part of the beach, looking at the one turtle nest that's still there (you know the one I mean)... There's a huge drop off for the turtles, so we'll definitely keep that nest well monitored once they start scratching around down there :)
My photo is kind of buried at the end of my post since I put lots of pictures from when the nest was first found on August 20th :) what a change!
That's a great photo: It's almost an optical illusion ... but coastal erosion is anything but!
Is it gone or is the beach just doing it's thing? If it's gone then send the bill to the nearest condos.
PS I love the horizon line. So peaceful.
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