Hey look! It's a glammed-up, caricatured version of me on the beach, complete with my sunhat, camera, and my one of my photos. It was drawn during our Art & Wine Weekend by the famous Mousie of New Orleans! Check out her website of beautiful Mardi Gras posters and other great poster art by clicking HERE.
I was askeered (for city folk, that means frightened) to have a caricature done, but I didn't mind at all what she did with my form! See what you missed at the Art & Wine Weekend! You could have had your caricature done for only $20.00 by Mousie! Or bought one of her hilarious CDs for $5.00.
There's a saying, something along the lines of "don't become a caricature of yourself." That probably doesn't apply in this case, but still ... isn't life a constant challenge of not falling into the rut of our greatest tendencies. But a caricature also brings out obvious that so often we forget. I've been afraid to get one myself just in the same spirit that I don't get my fortune told. But maybe I'm just superstitious.
Getting a caricature done is the most daring thing I've done in a while. Well, maybe that night of helping hatchlings when Hurricane Ike passing by. But getting my fortune told....nah. I'm with you on that point.
Living in paradise is the best luck of all and I don't want to mess with Mother Nature's incredible gifts to me.
Barrier Island Girl !!
I just saw your photo on the myislandtimes.com front page !!!
Never saw your pic before, now when me and the family are down there in June 2009, if we see you we can say hey !!!
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