This was the tiniest of ghost crabs. The only reason I saw him was by his diminutive shadow. Did you know they can scurry along at speeds up to 10 mph! If you've ever tried to photograph one, you probably knew this to be true.
Life on Pensacola Beach
We have them too in Naples, and they are fast. I uploaded a short video clip of one scurrying along the beach at Lowdermilk Park in Naples about 2 months ago. It's under the "Water Reel" label.
These guys are really cute. I used to bring my son to the beach as early as we could make it in the morning from Pensacola, so we would normally arrive 6:30am or so. I inadvertantly discovered that these little crabs love grapes. So my son and I would toss grapes toward their holes and sit as still as possible and watch them come up out of their holes and grab the grapes and head back down. They would sometimes even fight over the grapes. It was entertaining. The other thing about being out so early is that we would usually find the water to be calm and more often than not see pods of dolphins swimming by. Oh the memories!
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