Monday, September 01, 2008

New photo blog!

I bumped into a young man named Dave, and his girlfriend, Lydia, on the beach about six weeks or so ago when we were both checking out a sea turtle nest. We'd never met before, so I was surprised when he knew who I was. (I've discovered it's the camera which is practically soldered across my shoulder that generally gives me away.)

During our conversation, Dave mentioned he had a new camera and was very excited about it. I encouraged him to start blogging -- and he has! Consequently, I was very happy this morning, midst all the chaos of Hurricane Gustav, to discover Dave's new photo blog which he named Pensacola Beach Blogger. Way to go, Dave!

Check out Dave's blog HERE. I've also added a permanent link to his site under the "Blogs I Read" section on the left-hand side of this page.

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