I saw my first butterfly of the season this morning. Obviously they are enjoying all the new oleander we planted last year.
I'm not knowledgeable about butterflies, so please e-mail me if you can identify it. We see hundreds of this particular type all summer long on the island.
Hi DJ,
The butterfly appears to be a Monarch. They are very common this time of year. You can Google the name and get the whole life cycle. Your photos of the beach are lovely. I am still in Atlanta but hope to be in Pensacola for Cinqo De Mayo.
Well, I'll be darn! I googled "Monarch butterflies" and you were exactly right! Thanks, Scottie.
BTW, I'm heading back to Tennessee on Thursday to take my mother home and will return late on Cinqo de Mayo! :-) Maybe we can get together Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday after we both have a chance to catch our breath and see if you are interested in that project I mentioned.
Guess what! The butterfly actually turned out to be a Painted Lady. Check out a comparison of the two:
Part of the identification had to do with size (the Painted Lady is smaller than the Monarch. Also, the antennae of the Painted Lady is tipped with white.
Thank you to my blog viewers!
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