Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!

I was so excited to receive my hardback copy of Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out! last week. A fellow blogger, Annie Patterson, who lives in Barrow, Alaska, did the beautiful illustrations for the book by April Pulley Sayre which tells of the dangers sea turtles face as they try to survive to adulthood. Throughout the book, young people do their best to help protect the sea turtles, showing how they can at times make a difference to the survival of these threatened and endangered species.

You may recall that a few years ago I managed to capture photos of a rare daytime emergence of loggerhead hatchlings here on Pensacola Beach. Annie was working on her illustrations at that time and I shared my photos to help her with the detail of the tiny hatchlings. What a fun connection our Pensacola Beach hatchlings have to this special book!

If you would like to see more of Annie's beautiful illustrations from the book, check out her post by clicking HERE. You can also follow Annie's blog about life in Barrow, Alaska, her delightful illustrations, and links to her work for sale on Etsy by clicking HERE.

If you are interested in purchasing Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!, please remember that the edition shown above is the hardback copy. I am not sure what difference there may be in the paperback edition.


PJ said...

Congratulations, DJ. Does she acknowledge you in the book? I understand what people mean when they say online is a virtual world but there are still many, many personal connections made and nurtured because of our beloved blogosphere and I'm so happy to be a part of it.

Barrier Island Girl said...

Paula, there are no acknowledgments in the book, but I was privileged that Annie shared some of her illustrations via e-mail along the way. I find her imagination and work magical, especially considering her world is so different than mine. Polar bears in her back yard vs. sea turtles in ours. Ha!

I have not seen the paperback edition of this book, but in the hardback edition the illustrations span two pages. It shows a young man scaring raccoons away from a nest [been there, done that in the middle of the night when nest sitting]; others putting up signs that the nests are protected; turning off lights which disorient; etc., until the cycle starts all over again.

April Pulley Sayre did a great job, but in this second edition Annie's illustrations really brought it to life.

Lovely, lovely book.


Annie Patterson said...

Thank you so much DJ! your signed copy is soon on it's way. I'm working on a little something to include with it. :)