Friday, August 24, 2007

"Saga of the Sea Turtle"

As promised, here is the e-mail address where you can contact the grandson of Blackie Cruz (Edison Cruz, Sr.):

They call the book "just a family thing", but it is a unique look back at the life of a young fisherman in the early to mid-1900's. There is a wealth of information about sea turtles in the language (and tales) of a boy mesmerized by them and whose fascination lasted a lifetime.

For those interested in contacting the Cruz family: cost of the book is $19.95, plus $2.00 for shipping and handling.


Anonymous said...

Hello There. My name is randy scott cruz. Don't know how well u know my family but "blacky" was my great grandpaw. Was interested in a little of my family tree please e mail me would like to chat a little more privet.thanks. your web site might help me re unite with a brother I have never met ,and also a father who has missed out on 35 good years

Anonymous said...

My e mail address is. ... sorry little new to the world of bloging and computers