A barge of booms was pushed to shore at Ft. Pickens yesterday afternoon.

Hopefully the oil in our area will not get so heavy that Pensacola Pass must be closed since it is a commercial waterway (Intracoastal Waterway).

Our poor herons are confused about these yellow intruders that aren't coughing up any fish for them.
I am thinking of you over here on the East Coast. Watching the news last night was heartbreaking to say the least. Hopefully the booms will work and your beach will be spared a horrible mess. Keep us "posted".
Thank you, Megan. I do the Ft. Pickens patrol tomorrow morning and I'm anxious to get out there and see what I find, not to mention look for the Great Blue Heron with the broken wing. I don't know if it was rescued due to the oil spill crisis.
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