Saturday, February 06, 2010

Krewe of Kids!

The Krewe of Kids had their own parade at Casino Beach this morning. Queen Julia wore her most beautiful Mardi Gras boa!

In this life, kings and rulers are very blessed indeed when they have a best friend to keep them down to earth.

Princess Victoria is her beautiful shimmering dress!

Adorable Prince Dylan!

The new royal court takes a bow!

Sweet polka dots.

A special moment with Grandpa.


Loui♥ said...

Beautifully done!
you've captured the essence..
of kids enjoying Mardi Gras!
Queen Julia could double..
as a beautiful mermaid!!
warm hugs..laughing smiles..
from Denver..

PJ said...

They're so colorful and cute and reminds me that people live there all year round.

BaysideLife said...

That last photo with Grampa is just wonderful. And how cute is polka dot girl. They all look like they're having a great time. Viva Mardi Gras!