I'm sure Santa would love to place one of these on your tree this year, too.

I called Island Style to make sure they have plenty in stock, and they do. The photo above is of the ornament when it is turned off.

When it is plugged into your Christmas tree lights, it duplicates the flashing of the iconic neon Pensacola Beach sign itself. It is awesome!
The ornaments are $17.99, plus shipping and handling. Island Style can take your credit card info over the phone, so if interested you may purchase them by calling 850/934-3100.
Tell them Barrier Island Girl sent you!
oh, i LOVE this.
seems all the pensacola kids end up here in texas. i just met three people last week alone from p'cola!
i miss home.
i'm definitely ordering one of these!
We got ours last Summer and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!
Just got back from P'Cola visiting our son and we took our Family Christmas picture at the beach!
These are super cool!!!!
I called this morning and ordered four. We vacation there every summer plus I collect Santa's. The others will be given as gifts to the other families that vacation with us. Thanks
I think you'll all enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine. And for folks who vacation here, it'll be a great gift or stocking stuffer.
This is ultra cool; we have family visiting and will get them one. Thanks for sharing this!!
It's June 8th, and I just called the store. They are sold-out :(
I ordered one from hobbylinc.com, which claims to have them in stock.
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