I thought you might like to see my favorite Christmas tree ornament. Isn't it a beautiful sea turtle?
My favorite island store, Island Style, carries the December Diamond collection and I try to get a couple of the new aquatic themed ornaments from them every year. Below is another photo of it using flash. It spoils the glow of the Christmas tree, but captures detail of the ornament.

GREAT reminder of our dear friend "The Traveling Turtle Girl" Thanks for sharing it!
And thank you so much for making that connection. December 9th was the first anniversary of Kirsten's passing. It was a sad day, but all her friends and family have a lot of happy memories which I think we tried to focus on.
Thank you again for remembering Kirsten.
You know I must try to get this one and the P'cola sign! :) Same # to call for both?
Sending some of our extra snow.
Merry Christmas to you!
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