I enjoy opportunities to sub for other sea turtle patrollers in the Santa Rosa Area of Gulf Islands National Seashore because of the Black Skimmer colonies they have there, unlike my regular Ft. Pickens patrol area.

This time of the year I am usually treated to sights of tiny Skimmer chicks like this one. They are adorable - though I admit they are in the category of "so ugly they are cute."
Unlike plover chicks who could probably hold their own racing with a Roadrunner, Skimmer chicks sort of waddle along.
An adult Black Skimmer (in the background) feeding along the shoreline with a juvenile.

You can distinguish juvenile Black Skimmers from adults by the checked markings of their wings and the basal side of their bill which has not fully developed its bright orangy-red color.

You can distinguish juvenile Black Skimmers from adults by the checked markings of their wings and the basal side of their bill which has not fully developed its bright orangy-red color.
1 comment:
LOVE these photos. Thanks so much for sharing them.
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