This particular nest had been washed over, but somewhat spared the worst of the oil.

Other areas...well, my photos are testament - I have no energy to describe the extent of it.

The clumps in the foreground are sargassum (sea weed) which under normal circumstances is good for shorebirds to feed on and hide in, but behind it and even mixed in were puddles of oil.
my sentiments exactly..
my broken heart just aches with sadness..
sad sandy hugs..
This is beyond horrible. Everyone should cry for what has happened, what is being destroyed.
But, DJ, there is hope. I heard that by Monday the well should be 100% contained. Then the clean up efforts can begin in earnest. I know there are things that will never be fixed. That is the truly sad part...
Cried my eyes out this morning DJ. I miss it so much and feel so helpless. It's tragic.
So very sad to see. Thank you so much for updating so many people that love Fort Pickens.
I am sorry you had to post such an ugly thing. May one day our beautiful Pensacola Beach be back to it's beauty.
It may take time, but the beach will heal itself. Nature is resilient. But in the meantime, my heart is also heavy and your pictures brought tears to my eyes.
Once this ugly mess stops spewing into the water, we can roll up our sleeves and get to work. After all, we are Pensacolians!! (Even me)
In the words of Jimmy Buffet, we'll live for the day when "our Coast is Clear."
I live in St. Augustine, but when I was young, we lived elsewhere and vacationed on the Gulf. This just breaks my heart. I was in this very area about a year ago, and seeing these pictures makes me want to cry. I'm so sorry for what all of you must be going through. My best friend grew up in Pensacola (was a past Fiesta Queen), and she is heartsick over this. I hope and pray there is an end to this nightmare soon.
A big thank you to all who have left comments. It is indeed difficult to see this. Hurricanes are horrible, but in their destruction wipe the beaches clean. We've never had to deal with this type of ugly desecration to our pristine beaches before.
Islanders are strong and we will get through this somehow with the help of our friends, family, and those who care and cry for the beach just as we do. Thank you all.
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